If you follow my blog and explore my website, I’m sure you already agree that everyday should be Earth Day. What we do makes an impact on the earth and the most detrimental mindset is that someone else will save it. We all have a responsibility and there are so many things we can do to lessen our negative impact. We are a throwaway culture focused on convenience. Well, the sustainable products I recommend really don’t require additional work. They are still allowing you live a convenient life! My goal is to get my readers to start somewhere. Once you start making sustainable changes in your daily life, it becomes easier and easier to make more.
Did you know that just 3 generations ago, plastic didn’t exist? Somehow, people survived without it. Now, nearly 80% of all waste includes some form of plastic! The damage that plastic is causing to our health and the health of the earth is alarming. Have you ever wondered why anyone would need to buy cases of water when you can just fill up a glass or reusable container from the faucet in your house? It’s disturbing how much waste- such as water bottles- ends up in the ocean. These break down and eventually become microplastics. Microplastics end up in the fish we eat and have been found in soil. Between the ocean and the food from farmlands, guess where the plastic ultimately ends up? You guessed it, in our bodies! It is predicted that by 2050, there will be more weight in plastic than fish in the ocean. We can do better than this! I don’t anticipate plastic use being completely eliminated in the near future, however, you can make changes to reduce your use of plastic. Don’t wait for someone else to do it. Start with something. Here are some ideas:
- Always use a reusable container for drinks. You don’t need plastic water bottles!
- Support companies who have found plastic alternatives for packaging, such as Plaine Products.
- Find companies who find a way to use ocean bound plastic rather than producing fresh plastic containers for their products: Norwex
- Do you really need to buy big jugs of laundry detergent? There are alternatives! CleanCult, Dropps
- There is no need to use plastic bags when shopping. PLEASE bring your own reusable bags. My personal favorites are the pouches of 5 from Envirosax. They are very compact to store, yet hold A LOT!
- Do you really need a straw? Either forego it or use a metal or silicone option. There are SO MANY OPTIONS out there. Check out some of my favs HERE.
- Please stop using plastic utensils. Especially since Covid, restaurants are quick to give you disposable plastic. Bring your own! I found great travel cases with all the utensils you need. Click HERE for some great options.
Paper Towels
Do you ever really NEED a paper towel? Have you ever considered a reusable option? Paper towels are a single-use item and cannot be recycled. They end up in landfills and release methane as they break down- a gas that is more harmful than carbon dioxide! Every day 51,000 trees are cut down to support America’s paper towel habit. 51,000! The companies that make paper towels are also polluting our air. One paper towel isn’t even very absorbent. I have found companies that make products that work better than paper towels and have a better impact on the environment.
- Norwex Counter Cloths- These work better than paper towels anyway. They’re made from 70% recycled materials. They dry fast and you can use them multiple times before laundering. The product and its components have been tested against a list of over 350 harmful substances according to STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX. They contain Baclock- microsilver embedded in the cloth to reduce the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew. My family uses these on a daily basis and keeps them in a caddy on the kitchen counter. Check out their other cloths as well to cut down on bringing toxic cleaning products into your house. With Norwex, you can clean 90% of your home using their EnviroCloths and JUST WATER!
- Well Earth Goods– Non-paper towels- These come in a pack of 12. They are basically flannel rags that are finished around the edges. They aren’t as absorbent as the Norwex ones. While they’re not my top choice for paper towels, it is totally worth checking out their website for some fantastic, sustainable options! I really like this company’s sustainable mission and they have a lot of alternatives to plastic. The toilet brush is a particular favorite from their store.
- Wowables: These look the most like your typical paper towels, but they are biodegradable and not bleached, hence they don’t contain harmful chemicals. These can be reused and washed in the dishwasher or washing machine. These also meet the Oeko-Tex standard 100, meaning no harmful ingredients have been added.
Please stop using paper towels and, while you’re at it, start using cloth napkins too!
Textile Waste
Do you know what is meant by “fast fashion”? Years ago, trendy clothing manufacturers created clothing lines for each season. Well, now the fashion trends and demands are so high, that new clothing is produced more than once during each season of the year. This leads to pollution and a lot of unnecessary waste.
Don’t let your clothing end up in a landfill. Shop sustainably. Support companies who are doing the right thing. Buy second hand and donate your unwanted clothing to thrift shops, pet shelters, homeless shelters, etc. A lot of clothing companies now have recycling programs where you can drop off your unwanted clothing. H & M has a recycling program where they will send your clothing to a local recycling plant. Madewell uses donated jeans and repurposes them to make insulation for houses. NorthFace and Patagonia also have recycling programs. Here’s an article that explains the environmental impact of textile waste and has more suggestions to help remedy this problem.
Remember, sustainability is an investment. For a lot of these items, you will pay more up front, however, once you have the product, you just get to keep reusing it, so you’ll save money in the long run. Think of it this way, if you buy a reusable alternative to paper towels, then you won’t have to buy paper towels anymore. Consider making a new sustainable choice to celebrate Earth Day. Forming new habits is easier than you may think. Everyday should be Earth Day!
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