Explore Household products

Reusable Grocery Bags
When you use single-use plastic bags for your groceries, you’re literally using the bag for a trip from the store and, wherever it ends up, it will never decompose in your lifetime. I can’t say enough how much it would help the environment to stop using plastic bags! I believe that eventually, single use plastic

Restaurants are Reopening with A LOT of Plastic
Restaurants are re-opening around the world and they are using SO MUCH PLASTIC! When my meal comes, I’m given a baggie with all plastic utensils. Don’t worry though, I’ve found a solution!

Excitement Over a Toilet Brush: Am I Losing my Mind?
Read this follow-up about sustainable recommendations from Well Earth Goods. A mother’s honest review of cleaning tools and more.

Sustainably Surviving Quarantine: A Mother’s Perspective
Gain an understanding of the impact of plastic on the environment and hear how kids can enjoy using sustainable products. This mom found a perfect alternative to paper towels and other hard to find household products.

Low on Household Supplies? Top Quarantine Picks
Can’t find your usual products at the store? Want to find ways to conserve the products you have? Read this article for some great options to get through this crisis.

Top Reusable Straws
The best alternative to plastic straws is to not use them at all. But, if you’re going to use them, here are some reusable options.

Reusable Ziplock, Sandwich Bags & Cling Wrap
Ready to move on from single-use plastic? Try out these great alternatives to ziplock and sandwich bags.

Reusable Produce Bags
Read to find cheap replacements to single use produce bags! (These are the fruit and veggie bags in grocery stores)