Learn about toxic ingredients

Are You Being Exposed to these Toxic Chemicals?
Americans are exposed to dozens of toxic chemicals on a daily basis. They are in our personal care products, cleaning products, clothing and more. Read this article to understand how to avoid these chemicals.

BPA (Bisphenol A)
Uses: Plastic containers, personal care products, feminine hygiene products, shopping receipts, certain electronic devices, glasses, and even dental sealants. Human Risks: BPA can weaken your immune system and reproductive system, cause neurological harm, increase your risk of Alzheimer’s and heart disease and more. BPAs can also harm young children, so it is important to pick

Coal Tar Dye
Uses: This coloring agent is often used in food (such as candy) and personal care products, such as shampoos, hair dye, and even toothpastes. It is also commonly used in cosmetic products like lipstick. Human Risks: Coal Tar Dye is often mixed with aluminum and other harmful substances making it even more dangerous. It is

Flame Retardants
Uses: Flame Retardants were created to help prevent cigarette fires, but they quickly began to be used for mainstream furniture and electronic devices. In fact, there is roughly 5 pounds of flame retardant in American households from furniture and other products. Human Risks: Flame retardant is HIGHLY toxic and dangerous. It is designed to make

Uses: Shockingly, formaldehyde has been discovered in everything from wooden household furniture, personal care products, cleaning products, makeup, hairspray, nail polish, to children’s clothing! One specific study even found that clothes from Justice had been treated with formaldehyde. It is also found in exhaust fumes from many forms of transportation, including cars and buses. Formaldehyde

Fragrances or Parfum
Uses: Fragrances are used in just about any product you can think of. There’s a good chance that most natural-smelling air freshener you own, contains dozens of chemicals that are hard to pronounce. The more I looked around my bathroom, the more products with fragrance I saw. It’s in soaps, lotions, face wash, air freshener,